Wednesday, November 02, 2005

When there is so much to do

Funny how full a day can be. I have a good friend (ahem, ann) who is also on sabbatical right now and she has given me sage advice as to fill a day when you're a lady of leisure (LoL): you should have two things scheduled. Here's how my day went...

First off, I recommend sleeping late, til about 10. Followed by a bit of television watching, Martha Stewart's sorta awkard chat show works. Hop on-line for a bit of instant messaging with peeps in the States, then get some exercise, like a short run to North Bondi. But be careful of *over-heating.* Oh and don't forget the clothes on the line and the other load of laundry that's going. Then, coffee (finally) and an ill-fated quesadilla in a non-stick pan. Last night's dishes too (Joeley made pesto pasta, very impressive considering her post-Derby condition -- Makybe Diva won, fyi). Then a call about volunteering in New South Wales, followed by prep time to leave the house. When one doesn't work, prep time really is quite a production, like two hours of I'm not exactly sure what.

Then a bus-ride to the city and a stroll to Haydn's office for actual work. Tour book writing, to be exact. Followed by a delicious Turkish Pide, like the little pitzas at Moustache on Bedford St. Spicy with lamb meat, lemon juice squeezed over it and a coca-cola. I find that I consume quite a bit of caffeine here, love having a coke at some point in the afternoon or with dinner.

And nighttime activities are slated. We're going to see The Mess Hall and Wolfmother at the Metro tonight. A girl can never really get enough indie rock, I suppose.

Oh and reply to further questions about transportation. Cars aren't a big vanity thing, most people drive small, economical cars because gas (petrol) is expensive. Get ready: a litre of gas is $1.18 right now. 1 gallon = 3.785 litres. However, I have seen more Porshe's in Bondi than I think I ever saw in the West Village. But, let's not talk about the Hummers and Range Rovers that cruise the streets in the WV.

Ok, that wraps it up.


Anonymous said...

Dude, when are these anonymous cats going to understand you're a lady of leisure and can't concern yourself with highway construction projects. boo hiss spam blog comments.

But hurrah on your well structured leisure day. I am very impressed with you. Your observation on the expansion of prep time is very spot on. Not sure how time swells like it does, but it's hard to fight. I've been up for an hour and only have the movement from bed to computer to show for it. wow. Thank god for yoga and coffee to motivate out the door.

Anonymous said...

ewwww....i'd forgotten the type, type, type stare at screen office rigamarole. my sympathies greggums. We need to find a way to make you a gentleman of leisure. Perhaps in our Eurpean offices...hee hee.

Leisure Inc. is a multi-national organization specializing in utilizing time to its most enjoyable ends. At Vandelay Industries, our Australian subsidiary, our staff is cornering the market on yummilicious eating and local rock scenes. Future goals at VI are to maximize safe beach exposure and land a cameo on McLeod's Daughters.

But Greggums, before you set up our European offices we should talk about you being around Boston for T-day. (open invite for all non-anonymous friends to come north for my delicious turkey).