Sunday, February 17, 2008

Codename: Quicksilver

Haydn presented me with a bike a couple of weeks back for my birthday. Not just any bike mind you, but a Trek bike -- embossed with a "Designed in Waterloo, Wisconsin" logo and a "Made in China" sticker. It's a lovely shade of pewter grey and I think that qualifies it for the nickname of "Quicksilver" in honor of my vague memory of a mid-80s Kevin Bacon film of the same name in which Mr Six Degrees himself gave bike messengers their due glory for maneuvering city streets with no fear whilst wearing cool satchels.

My bike hasn't really met with much glory yet -- a ride around Bondi and a journey to Bondi Junction yesterday to get a basket and water bottle affixed. Man, it's hilly around these parts with lots of cars going everywhere, even when you think you're on a quiet backstreet all of a sudden there's a car or three. I have some more biking detective work to do so I can find quiet, tree-lined streets that won't cause my heart rate to go off the charts due to extreme altitude. I bet Kevin Bacon didn't concern himself with such dilemmas. He just rode to where the next job was.

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